Star Wars: Darth Vader #033

Kód: 44046
Značka: Marvel
119 Kč –5 %
Star Wars: Darth Vader #033
119 Kč –5 % 113 Kč
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Série: Star Wars: Darth Vader (Vol. 3)
Svět: Star Wars
Kategorie: US Comics

Formát: comics / sešit
Jazyk: anglicky

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When the Dark Lord of the Sith loses control of the Force, nothing is safe—not even his own Executor-class Star Dreadnought. But in the face of total destruction, Commander Sabé finds an opportunity. Does Vader’s untrammeled onslaught expose a vulnerability? Or is it just another doorway to the terrifying tyranny of the Sith?


Writer(s): Greg Pak
Penciller(s): Adam Gorham
Inker(s): Adam Gorham
Colorist(s): Federico Blee
Letterer(s): Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist(s): Sunny Gho,  Leinil Francis Yu

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: KOMIKSY
Hmotnost: 0.056 kg
Série: Star Wars: Darth Vader (Vol. 3)
Svět: Star Wars
Vydavatel: Marvel
Rok a měsíc vydání: 2023/06
Vazba: sešit / magazín
Formát: 170 x 260 mm
Počet stran: 28
Tisk: barevný
Scénář: Greg Pak
Kresba: Adam Gorham
Obálka: Sunny Gho, Leinil Francis Yu

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