Harley Quinn #029

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Značka: DC Comics
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Série: Harley Quinn (vol.4)
Kategorie: US Comics
Formát: comics / sešit
Jazyk: anglicky

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This just in, ya gal's been cursed! And now she's gotta use magic and travel the Multiverse and deal with...cartoon fish and higher beings? What in the Earth-6 is going on?! Not to mention, I still got my court-mandated community service, and Two-Face and his goons just won't leave ya girl alone. Someone's gotta teach 'em a lesson--and I'm not just sayin' that cuz I'm a professor! Also featuring another very special in-continuity dream of Harley Quinn as told by the two individuals who know me bestest of all...my hyenas, Bud and Lou!

Detailní přehled autorů:

Written: Tini Howard
Art: Sweeney Boo
Colorist: Sweeney Boo
Letterer(s): Steven Wands
Cover: Sweeney Boo

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: KOMIKSY
Hmotnost: 0.075 kg
Série: Harley Quinn (vol.4)
Žánr: akční - superhrdinský
Vydavatel: DC Comics
Rok a měsíc vydání: 2023/06
Vazba: sešit / comics
Formát: 170 x 260 mm
Počet stran: 40
Scénář: Tini Howard
Kresba: Sweeney Boo
Obálka: Sweeney Boo

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